Sue Walls' Blog

May 29, 2013

A Visit to Cedar Lane Elementary School

Filed under: Uncategorized — Suzanne L. Walls @ 5:19 pm

Yesterday, I gave a series of three presentations to the first- and second-graders at Cedar Lane Elementary School in Ashburn, VA. What a wonderful experience! To begin my day, I was directed to the school’s library where the staff welcomed me and outlined the day’s events. They had a special area set aside for me to work and explained the day’s activities. Although I never got to meet Andria Donnelly, the Library Media Specialist, I was well taken care of by Assistant Librarian, Michelle and another substitute Librarian. Both were  so helpful and encouraging, looking for every opportunity to make this a successful event for the children. 

Right on time, the children filed in and situated themselves on the floor. I was amazed how well behaved they were. As each group came in (2-3 groups of 20 per session), they had their best manners on. Then, I was introduced and began my presentation. To the delight of the children, I brought 2’x3′ foam-core mounted photographs of several of the birds in the book. As I pulled each photo out of the large plastic bag where they were hidden, the children gasped in delight and the excitement grew. Their interest and great discipline showed just how diligent their teachers were in preparing them.

It became immediately apparent that they were totally familiar with the book, quoting some of the more amusing lines as they saw each photo. They particularly enjoyed the “Bad Hair Day” on the last page. 

At the end of each session, the children were encouraged to ask questions. Some of the more surprising ones included:

  • What inspired you to write?
  • How did your brother (the photographer) get so close to the birds and take their pictures without them flying away?
  • How do you think up ideas for your books?
  • Are you going to do any more? (I especially liked that one!)
  • How many books have you written?
  • How old were you when you started writing?
  • Which book is your favorite?

I could go on and on about how wonderful this experience was for me. My only regret is that my brother, D. W. Maiden, wasn’t there to enjoy all the enthusiastic response to his photography. It was truly heart-warming!


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